File: example.js

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  Classes of Gábor Martini   bzPrime   example.js   Download  
File: example.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Calculations example
Class: bzPrime
Perform calculations prime numbers
Author: By
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Date: 11 years ago
Size: 1,503 bytes


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bzp = new bzPrime(); /* Integer factorization */ intnum = 456; res = bzp.getPrimeFactors(intnum).toString(); alert(res); // Result is: 2,2,2,3,19 /* Calculating the smallest common multiple */ intnum1 = 12; intnum2 = 15; res = bzp.getSmlComMultiple(intnum1, intnum2); alert(res); // Result is: 60 /* Calculating the greatest common divisor */ intnum1 = 12; intnum2 = 48; res = bzp.getGrtComDivisor(intnum1, intnum2); alert(res); // Result is: 12 /* Calculates the simplify fraction */ fraction = "12/48"; res = bzp.getSimpFract(fraction); alert(res); // Result is: "1/4" /* Calculatin the next prime number */ res = "The last prime was: "+bzp.aprime[bzp.aprime.length-1]+", the next prime is: "+bzp.getNext(); alert(res); // Result is: The last prime was: 3571, the next prime is: 3581 //get next 10 prime numbers for(i=0;i<10;i++) bzp.getNext(); res = "The new count of prime number is: "+bzp.aprime.length; alert(res); // Result is: The new count of prime number is: 511 /* Error handling If the prime numbers registered in the object are not enough to solve the operation the onNotEnoughPrime event is calling: */ bzp.onNotEnoughPrime = function() { alert("The prime numbers are not enougth to solve this probelm. Use the getNext methode to calculate more numbers.") } bzp.getPrimeFactors(12823561);