jQuery Repeatable Form: Allow the user to add repeated form inputs

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thrak-repeatable 1.0BSD License1.0HTML, jQuery, Forms


This is a jQuery plugin that can allow the user to add repeated form inputs.

It takes a given page container element that contains form inputs and add buttons to add or remove more inputs using the same elements inside the start container element.

The plugin can be configured with attributes that define the minimum and maximum of instances of the contained page form elements.

Innovation Award
JavaScript Programming Innovation award winner
December 2015

Prize: 1 year subscription to the Basic Plan of an API product of choice
Some times applications need to let users enter multiple values for the same type of input, like for instance multiple files.

This jQuery plugin can be used to generate forms with inputs that can be repeated if the user wants to add multiple values for the same input, as well remove any values that are not meant to be submitted.

Manuel Lemos
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Name: Christian Vigh <contact>
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Country: France France
Age: 58
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x

Winner: 2x


?<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>$.repeatable JQuery demo</title> <!-- How to use the $.repeatable.js features : --> <!-- Step 0 : you need jQuery and jQuery UI --> <script language='javascript' src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js'></script> <script language='javascript' src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js'></script> <!-- Step 1 : Include repeatable.js --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="thrak.ui.repeatable-1.0.0.js"></script> <!-- Step 2 : Don't forget to style your repeatable elements --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/repeatable.css"/> <!-- Step 3 : on document load, call the repeatable() function on whatever elements need to be repeated --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document). ready ( function ( ) { $('.repeatable'). repeatable ( ) ; } ) ; </script> </head> <body> <h1>Sample demo of $.repeatable() :</h1> Start of repeatable html elements (click on <img src="images/add-small-enabled.png" /> to add an item and <img src="images/delete-small-enabled.png" /> to remove one) <br/><br /><br /> <!-- Step 4 : declare the html elements that need to appear at the bottom of the window as the footer --> <div id="demo" class="repeatable" min-instances="1" max-instances="4"> <span>Value : </span> &nbsp; <input type="text" id="value" name="values[]"/> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span>Attached file : </span> &nbsp; <input type="file" name="files[]" /> </div> </body> </html>



$.repeatable is a jQuery widget that takes a set of html elements and adds plus and minus buttons that allow to duplicate them.

The original idea came from the need to include one or more file attachments in a very simple form that did not require too complicated uploader widgets ; an example is given below :

A form that allows to upload one file

A simple UI, using plus (![](images/add-small-enabled.png)) and minus (![](images/delete-small-enabled.png)) buttons, allows to duplicate the current set of html elements (here, a form field of type&lt;input type="file"/&gt;*) :

A form that allows to upload up more than one file

And, when you reach the maximum number of repetitions (4, in this precise example), then the UI changes a little bit :

A form that allows to upload up to 4 files

Note how the plus (![](images/add-small-enabled.png)) button became grayed (![](images/add-small-disabled.png)) : You cannot add more files any more because the limit (4) has been reached. However, you can delete any instance you like using the ![](images/delete-small-enabled.png) button.


The code excerpts presented here come from index.html, which contains a small, quick and dirty example, that define a repeatable group of text and file input fields.

STEP 1 : Define a &lt;div&gt; container for your html template

Your first task will be to define html content that will be used as a template for duplication.

Here is a div that includes two input fields, one of type text and one of type file, together with their respective labels ; this block of html code will serve as a template for generating instances :

<div id="demo" class="repeatable" min-instances="1" max-instances="4">
    <span>Value : </span>
    <input type="text" id="value" name="values[]"/>
    <span>Attached file : </span>
    <input type="file" name="files[]" />

A few remarks here :

  • The optional "min-instances" and "max-instances" attributes specify the minimum and maximum number of occurrences you authorize the user to create
  • The class="repeatable" attribute only serves as a way to select this template using jQuery.
  • The id attribute is not mandatory ; it could just only serve to refine your jQuery selections if you have more than one repeatable template on the same page.
  • Note the "[]" in the name attribute of the &lt;input&gt; fields : This is mandatory if you want your PHP form handling script to receive field values as an array. For example, $values[0] will be set to the first value field of your form, $values[1] to the second, and so on.

STEP 2 : Include the necessary files

1) You first need jQuery and jQuery UI :

<script language='javascript' src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js'></script>
<script language='javascript' src='//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.min.js'></script>

2) then include the repeatable.js script :

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="thrak.ui.repeatable-1.0.0.js"></script>

3) And finally include a CSS for styling (one example stylesheet, css/repeatable.css, is provided with this package) :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/repeatable.css"/>

STEP 3 : Declare your "repeatable" elements

This is done by calling the repeatable() function on selected jQuery elements :

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document). ready
        function ( )
                $('.repeatable'). repeatable ( ) ;
     ) ;


The container you defined at step #1 is transformed and looks this way after processing (there will be as many samples of the code below as there are instances) :

<div id="demo" class="repeatable repeatable-instance">
    <span>Value : </span>
    <input type="text" id="value" name="values[]"/>
    <span>Attached file : </span>
    <input type="file" name="files[]" />
<div class="repeatable-buttonset repeatable-buttonset-default repeatable-buttonset-last" target="demo">	
    <div class="repeatable-button repeatable-button-minus" title="Remove this item"></div>
    <div class="repeatable-button repeatable-button-plus" title="Add an item"></div>

Note the following differences :

  • The "min-instances" and "max-instances" attributes have been removed
  • The instance of your div template has been added a class, repeatable-instance.
  • A new div has been added next to your template instance. It defines the shape of the button set that allows the user to add or remove instances

The $.repeatable widget then automatically handles user clicks on the plus and minus buttons to add/remove html blocks based on your template.



repeatable ( [options] )

Initializes a repeatable object on the selected jQuery elements. options is a an object that can have the following members :

  • minInstances : Minimum number of instances for the repeatable element. This value is overridden with the "min-instances" attribute of the template, if specified.
  • maxInstances : Maximum number of instances for the repeatable element. This value is overridden with the "max-instances" attribute of the template, if specified.

Css Classes

Template instance

A template instance is added the class repeatable-instance, which can be used to further style it (for example, to add a bottom margin to separate consecutive instances).

Buttonset instance

A button set is appended next to each template instance ; it can have the following classes :

  • repeatable-buttonset : used to style the whole buttonset itself
  • repeatable-buttonset-default : set when the buttonset uses the default builtin buttonset template. In the current version, no provision is made to support custom buttonsets.
  • repeatable-buttonset-first : set for the first template instance.
  • repeatable-buttonset-last : set for the last template instance.

Each button set contains two inner div elements, for the plus and minus buttons. They have the following classes that can be styled :

  • repeatable-button : general class to style ALL the button sets individual buttons
  • repeatable-button-plus : used to style the plus button.
  • repeatable-button-minus : used to style the minus button.
  • repeatable-button-disabled : set when the corresponding button is disabled. This is the case for the minus button when only one instance is present and the minInstances parameter is greater than zero ; or for the plus button when the maximum number of instances has been reached.

See css/repeatable.css for an example style sheet. As you might guess, button images are referenced there...

Screenshots (3)  
  • screenshots/introduction01.png
  • screenshots/introduction02.png
  • screenshots/introduction03.png
  Files folder image Files (13)  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecss (1 file)
Files folder imageimages (4 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file index.html Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License file
Accessible without login Plain text file NOTICE Data Disclaimer
Accessible without login Plain text file README.md Doc. Help file
Accessible without login Plain text file thrak.ui.repeatable-1.0.0.js Appl. Widget source

  Files folder image Files (13)  /  css  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file repeatable.css Appl. Example style sheet

  Files folder image Files (13)  /  images  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Image file add-small-disabled.png Data Button
  Accessible without login Image file add-small-enabled.png Data Button
  Accessible without login Image file delete-small-disabled.png Data Button
  Accessible without login Image file delete-small-enabled.png Data Button

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All time:269
This week:4Up